Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Stroll Through Proverbs: Proverbs 5:15-5:18 – “Joyful Marriage Union”

15 “(a){(1)Drink waters [refers to sexual intimacy] out of thine own cistern [wife]}, and running waters out of thine own well [wife].

            (a)Hebrews 13:4; (1)Picture of marriage faithfulness

16 (a){(1)Let thy fountains [wife]} be dispersed abroad, and {(2)rivers [channels] of waters} in the streets.

            (1)”What is from a spring [wife]”; (2)the children; (a)Proverbs 5:18

17 {(1)Let them be only thine}, and not strangers’ [adultery, prostitute] with thee.

            (1)Within marriage’s privacy

18 Let thy fountain be blessed [to be caused to prosper by God]: and rejoice with (a)the wife of thy youth.”

            (a)Deuteronomy 24:5, Ecclesiastes 9:9, Malachi 2:14, Matthew 19:3-9, Genesis 2:24-25

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