Monday, May 18, 2015

Who Is Worthy But My Lord?

Today I celebrate eight years survivorship of Stage 4 metastatic cancer diagnosis. How long it was there prior to diagnosis?...only God knows.

Scientifically, my remains should have been deposited into my mausoleum approximately seven-and-a-half years ago.  However, that was not my Lords’ plan. Obviously, I am still among the dying living. I say dying living because we all are doing just that. While we live, our bodies and our spirits are preparing for physical death. These bodies will die while the spirits live for eternity. For Born-Again Christians, our spirits are headed out of this land of the dying for the magnificent place – the land of the living. This land is Heaven and is promised to all who repent of their sin and accept God’s Son, Jesus Christ, as Saviour.

God has other plans for me and death was not assigned as of yet. From the moment I learned of my cancer, there was no fear of the disease or for the physical death. For thirty-nine years I have been spiritually prepared and in a win-win situation. Whether He had taken my “home” or, as He has, kept me here, I would get the victory – and He would get the praise, glory, and honor for His decision.

This morning during my “Breakfast With God” and reading through Revelation, though not in the same prophetic context of Revelation 4:11, my mind draws to those words – glory and honor. He deserves all the glory and honor – and praise – I can give Him.

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11 KJV

He created me (and you) for His pleasure and for Him we were created.

Though I fail Him every day, I pray He will also find that which would bring Him pleasure in my life.

Who Is Worthy But My Lord?
Copyright © 05.18.2015 csgroff

Who is worthy but my Lord
He provides my very breath
Who is worthy but my Lord
In all of life and in death

Thou alone art worthy
All glory, honor, and power to receive
For Your pleasure all things were created

You, my Lord, deserve all from me

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Subtle Reminders ~

There are times, if you are truly a Christian, when you can have the very present thought that God wants you to wait on Him. I’ve had that “feeling” for several weeks.

We had a beautiful 15-month old, carrot-loving, 90-pound purebred German Shepard puppy. He was actually my hubby’s; however, I spent more time with the dog. Unfortunately, nearly eight years of fighting cancer has rendered me not quite as strong, okay quite a bit less strong, than I used to be and sometimes it is difficult to get out and “play.” So, “our” pup stayed in his large kennel during the day and his crate at night more than I could let him out to run and dig in the dirt. Therefore, we decided it would be best to find him another family who would love him as much and hopefully had another dog for a playmate in all fairness to Elijah – nickname “Eli.”

After approximately six weeks of “waiting” for another person to come and be introduced to Eli (actually waiting on God to lead us to the right family), we decided that obviously we were waiting on the wrong people to adopt our beloved pet. Yesterday morning I posted on my social networking site that we were seeking a family for Eli and posted a pic of him along with it. Shortly afterward, a friend responded with great interest. We messaged back and forth and then spoke by phone. Learning about her “family” I had that “feeling” that this indeed was the right family for Eli if they liked him when introduced.

Late yesterday afternoon, she and her husband came to meet Eli and after a few minute he absolutely loved them. They said yes that they wanted him and so we prepared to gather some things of Eli’s to go with them. His “safe place” crate for sleeping and a carrot! He love, love, loves carrots! Within an hour or so, I went to the fridge – one last carrot – and Eli jumped into the back of their vehicle ready to head with them home.

Today, I still have occasional tears that just decide to spill down my cheeks. He was actually my hubby’s pup, but, he was truly more “mine.”

This morning, the thoughts came. My social network friend was the first person to respond to my post. And, I had one last carrot in the fridge.

That subtle reminder; God’s reminder to me that He is the first and the last, and waiting is a good thing which brings forth His will – even in the “little” things. And, Elijah, our dogs name means “my God is YHWH.”

My God is YHWH and He is present in the smallest things of life. He is the Beginning and He is the End and present eternally in all things. And, brings subtle reminders to me to comfort me when I least expect it.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Two Believers ~

Passage: 1 John 4:1-3 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (KJV)

There are millions upon millions of people living and breathing today segmented by nationalities, languages, and…beliefs.

There are many excuses to segregate from others; however, there is only one true segregating factor and that factor has eternal consequences – Belief.

~ “Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God”

~ “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist”

God says in 1 John 4:2 “Hereby know ye the Spirit of God” and 1:John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

We are to know the Spirit of God and to diligently guard our heart. We are to “try the spirits,” that is, any teaching, preaching, reading, audio, acquaintances, “friends,” – all things using the Holy Bible (the 66 Canonical Books) as to whether those things are in line with God’s Word.

There are only two groups of believers ~

1. Those who confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh – they are of God

2. Those who deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh – they are of the antichrist

Monday, April 27, 2015

2 Peter 3:18

“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” ~ 2 Peter 3:18

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Joy in Heaven!

Did you know that when you became a Christian there was joy in Heaven over you making that decision to repent and be saved?

Do you know that if you are not a Christian and have not made the decision to repent and be saved; when you do (if you do) all Heaven will rejoice over you!

The important word in the following verses is repent. Without repentance (understanding that one is a sinner, being sorry for it, confessing to God that of being a sinner, agreeing with God that sin is wrong, and turning away from sin) there is no salvation for that individual. One must repent to truly be saved.

God turns no one away upon repenting and believing in His Son. Jesus came to die in our place because of the sin that repels us from Heaven. He made the ultimate sacrifice of spilling His blood for our sin remission. 

Luke 5:32 “I [Jesus Christ] came not to call the righteous, but sinners [every man, woman, and child at the age of understanding what sin is] to repentance.” (my emphasis)

Luke 15:7 “I [Jesus Christ] say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth…” (my emphasis)

Luke 24:47 “And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning in Jerusalem.” (my emphasis)

Acts 11:18 “When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles [non Jews] granted repentance unto life [eternal life].” (my emphasis)

2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish [die and go to Hell, then to the Lake of Fire], but that all should come to repentance.” (my emphasis)

Jesus came and died for you and me and salvation is available to all who want it. But, without repentance there is no forgiveness.

Joy shall be in Heaven over each person who repents and gets saved. I thank God that if there had only been one, joy would have been there.

There has been much joy in Heaven over the millions who have repented and been forgiven and accepted Christ as their Savior. Are you one of them? If not, I pray you will be!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spiritual Choice

The Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End...

We are all spiritual beings with souls that will never perish. When we grasp that life is eternal, created by the one and Eternal Living God, and become to understand that there are only two places where that eternal spiritual soul will be able to go, wake up to understand it is our choice where our soul will abide forever and ever, and realize with every fiber of our being what those two destinations are truly like as described as the One Who created them...

The Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End has provided the eternal destinations for souls and the choice for each to choose Him or deny Him...into Heaven eternally living or Hell eternally dying...

Oh that no person would ever choose to live eternally perishing...

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Simply As a Child ~

It has been two thousand fifteen years since the crucifixion of Christ Who willingly suffered unimaginable torture for one reason - to purchase our freedom from Hell and eternal punishment (eternal death) for the sins against the Living God. Jesus gave His life so that any person who willingly accepts Him as their Savior will never suffer deserved punishment for their sins.

Sadly, too many people confuse religion with salvation. They are not at all the same. Religions are man made. Salvation is a "relationship with God based on the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ." There is not one single religion that can provide admission to Heaven.

It does not matter what religion, socioeconomic status, age, nationality, color of skin, or sin a person has committed against the Living God. Anyone can enter into an eternal living relationship with God. He never turns a person away.

Matthew 18:11 "For the Son of man (Jesus) is come to save that which was lost."  (my clarification)

The Son of God willingly stepped out of Heaven to come and "save" "lost" men. "Lost" men are people who have not yet accepted Jesus or those who deny Jesus is the Son of God. "Saved" men are people who have accepted Jesus for Who God says He is.

Matthew 18:3 "And said (Jesus)Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (my clarification)

Spiritually, to become as "little children" (people of any age) with a childlike simple faith who will place their faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ willingly - will enter into the kingdom of Heaven. God will never ever ever give them reason not to. He is faithful and true.

As the two-thousand fifteenth anniversary of Jesus' death for you approaches remember - "except ye be converted ("saved") you will not enter heaven.

My prayer is that if you have not accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, you will.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

For What My Eyes Have Not Seen ~

Eight years ago this May 2015 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I was labeled "terminal" and it is only by God's hand that I am still present in this body. I'm amazed at the Loving Living God of Eternity!

Facing a fact, we are all terminal. Once conceived, death is an absolute. 

I thank God each day for the heartbeats and breath He sustains me with while here in this land I am journeying through to get Home, yet I am ready when God calls me out of here - and crave to be with Him - out from this corrupt evil world. I pray you do as well or will make the decision to do so (see Salvation Page above).

For What My Eyes Have Not Seen, My Heart Truly Craves
Copyright © csgroff June 29, 2011 (revised March 21, 2015)

Oh this heart searched, questions welled up inside
Should I have hang on for dear life or let this body die
To fight to live a little while against this foe named cancer
Upon bended knees I visited to seek from God His answer

I imagined the joy it would be for my faith to become sight
To leave this sickness behind and say farewell to this plight
And then, only God knows the moment He will snatch me away
Away to Glory Land where my heart desires to go and stay

Then in my thoughts a whisper came ~ there truly is a reason
For me to carry this thorn in the flesh during this time and season
Though I’ve failed Him many times, no doubt will I many more
How humbling it is to know, He trusted me with this chore 

For Him I must continue until He calls me Home
No matter what tasked to endure, He’ll never leave me alone
For He it is more than worth each pain, sickness, and broken heart
He promised His yoke’s not heavy nor will be through time to depart

With all my heart I give Him all the glory, honor, and praise
The victories won over tribulations the remainder of my days
I’ll thank Him for each trial and in them find joy in strife
Praying I will not let Him down the remainder of my earthly life

Lord grant me strength to bear each and every trial and tear
Dependent on Your strength to face each tribulation absent fear
Knowing You’re beside me, holding tightly to my hand
Remaining here to serve You until reaching Beulah Land

May I show to others watching me how faithful You are and true
That they will see You’re not an absent God in anything we do
Whatever comes into our lives, no matter how it seems so dire
Realize you are an awesome mighty God Who never ever tires

As a friend once told me I would see You in a way few get to see
I am truly humbled and amazed at what You have done with me
Why would I deserve a miracle and in wonder often shake my head 
For this cancer should have taken my life and rendered this body dead

You’re keeping me here for a little while holding death at bay
Perhaps remaining to encourage others until You take me away
I still look forward to coming Home, leaving these bones in a grave
For what my eyes have not seen, my heart truly craves

Thursday, March 19, 2015

His Hands ~

Psalm 95:3-5 ~ Worship Psalm

"For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. ~ In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. ~ The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land."

His Hands:

~ Made the deep places; therefore, can make the deep places shallow

~ Set the hills strong to stand; therefore, can make those hills and mountains weak and to crumble

~ Made the sea and owns them; therefore, can make that sea boil up and cover over even the highest mountain; therefore, can make them retreat to the caverns of the earth or fill the sky and hold it there

~ Formed dry land for men to dwell; therefore, can sprinkle it with rain to make it flourish, or cause the caverns to heave their contents to cover the earth above the highest peak

He is a great God, King, and above all gods and there are no Hands like His!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Into Existence ~

Into Existence
Copyright © csgroff March 18, 2015


Out of naught God created all that exists
Everything and everything in betwixt

Compressed the earth into a sphere
Sunk valleys and peaked hills far and near 

Hung stars in the boundless vastness of space
Named each one as He set them ablaze

Separated waters above from waters below
Dried the land for plants to grow

The heavens He set in their place just right
Created He the day and also the night

Filled the waters, land, and sky
With creatures that swim, crawl, walk, and fly

In His image created man with His hands
To subdue the creatures as well as the land

Six days He spoke and all came to be
All we can and cannot see