Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Subtle Reminders ~

There are times, if you are truly a Christian, when you can have the very present thought that God wants you to wait on Him. I’ve had that “feeling” for several weeks.

We had a beautiful 15-month old, carrot-loving, 90-pound purebred German Shepard puppy. He was actually my hubby’s; however, I spent more time with the dog. Unfortunately, nearly eight years of fighting cancer has rendered me not quite as strong, okay quite a bit less strong, than I used to be and sometimes it is difficult to get out and “play.” So, “our” pup stayed in his large kennel during the day and his crate at night more than I could let him out to run and dig in the dirt. Therefore, we decided it would be best to find him another family who would love him as much and hopefully had another dog for a playmate in all fairness to Elijah – nickname “Eli.”

After approximately six weeks of “waiting” for another person to come and be introduced to Eli (actually waiting on God to lead us to the right family), we decided that obviously we were waiting on the wrong people to adopt our beloved pet. Yesterday morning I posted on my social networking site that we were seeking a family for Eli and posted a pic of him along with it. Shortly afterward, a friend responded with great interest. We messaged back and forth and then spoke by phone. Learning about her “family” I had that “feeling” that this indeed was the right family for Eli if they liked him when introduced.

Late yesterday afternoon, she and her husband came to meet Eli and after a few minute he absolutely loved them. They said yes that they wanted him and so we prepared to gather some things of Eli’s to go with them. His “safe place” crate for sleeping and a carrot! He love, love, loves carrots! Within an hour or so, I went to the fridge – one last carrot – and Eli jumped into the back of their vehicle ready to head with them home.

Today, I still have occasional tears that just decide to spill down my cheeks. He was actually my hubby’s pup, but, he was truly more “mine.”

This morning, the thoughts came. My social network friend was the first person to respond to my post. And, I had one last carrot in the fridge.

That subtle reminder; God’s reminder to me that He is the first and the last, and waiting is a good thing which brings forth His will – even in the “little” things. And, Elijah, our dogs name means “my God is YHWH.”

My God is YHWH and He is present in the smallest things of life. He is the Beginning and He is the End and present eternally in all things. And, brings subtle reminders to me to comfort me when I least expect it.

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