Monday, May 18, 2015

Who Is Worthy But My Lord?

Today I celebrate eight years survivorship of Stage 4 metastatic cancer diagnosis. How long it was there prior to diagnosis?...only God knows.

Scientifically, my remains should have been deposited into my mausoleum approximately seven-and-a-half years ago.  However, that was not my Lords’ plan. Obviously, I am still among the dying living. I say dying living because we all are doing just that. While we live, our bodies and our spirits are preparing for physical death. These bodies will die while the spirits live for eternity. For Born-Again Christians, our spirits are headed out of this land of the dying for the magnificent place – the land of the living. This land is Heaven and is promised to all who repent of their sin and accept God’s Son, Jesus Christ, as Saviour.

God has other plans for me and death was not assigned as of yet. From the moment I learned of my cancer, there was no fear of the disease or for the physical death. For thirty-nine years I have been spiritually prepared and in a win-win situation. Whether He had taken my “home” or, as He has, kept me here, I would get the victory – and He would get the praise, glory, and honor for His decision.

This morning during my “Breakfast With God” and reading through Revelation, though not in the same prophetic context of Revelation 4:11, my mind draws to those words – glory and honor. He deserves all the glory and honor – and praise – I can give Him.

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11 KJV

He created me (and you) for His pleasure and for Him we were created.

Though I fail Him every day, I pray He will also find that which would bring Him pleasure in my life.

Who Is Worthy But My Lord?
Copyright © 05.18.2015 csgroff

Who is worthy but my Lord
He provides my very breath
Who is worthy but my Lord
In all of life and in death

Thou alone art worthy
All glory, honor, and power to receive
For Your pleasure all things were created

You, my Lord, deserve all from me

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