Saturday, March 21, 2015

For What My Eyes Have Not Seen ~

Eight years ago this May 2015 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I was labeled "terminal" and it is only by God's hand that I am still present in this body. I'm amazed at the Loving Living God of Eternity!

Facing a fact, we are all terminal. Once conceived, death is an absolute. 

I thank God each day for the heartbeats and breath He sustains me with while here in this land I am journeying through to get Home, yet I am ready when God calls me out of here - and crave to be with Him - out from this corrupt evil world. I pray you do as well or will make the decision to do so (see Salvation Page above).

For What My Eyes Have Not Seen, My Heart Truly Craves
Copyright © csgroff June 29, 2011 (revised March 21, 2015)

Oh this heart searched, questions welled up inside
Should I have hang on for dear life or let this body die
To fight to live a little while against this foe named cancer
Upon bended knees I visited to seek from God His answer

I imagined the joy it would be for my faith to become sight
To leave this sickness behind and say farewell to this plight
And then, only God knows the moment He will snatch me away
Away to Glory Land where my heart desires to go and stay

Then in my thoughts a whisper came ~ there truly is a reason
For me to carry this thorn in the flesh during this time and season
Though I’ve failed Him many times, no doubt will I many more
How humbling it is to know, He trusted me with this chore 

For Him I must continue until He calls me Home
No matter what tasked to endure, He’ll never leave me alone
For He it is more than worth each pain, sickness, and broken heart
He promised His yoke’s not heavy nor will be through time to depart

With all my heart I give Him all the glory, honor, and praise
The victories won over tribulations the remainder of my days
I’ll thank Him for each trial and in them find joy in strife
Praying I will not let Him down the remainder of my earthly life

Lord grant me strength to bear each and every trial and tear
Dependent on Your strength to face each tribulation absent fear
Knowing You’re beside me, holding tightly to my hand
Remaining here to serve You until reaching Beulah Land

May I show to others watching me how faithful You are and true
That they will see You’re not an absent God in anything we do
Whatever comes into our lives, no matter how it seems so dire
Realize you are an awesome mighty God Who never ever tires

As a friend once told me I would see You in a way few get to see
I am truly humbled and amazed at what You have done with me
Why would I deserve a miracle and in wonder often shake my head 
For this cancer should have taken my life and rendered this body dead

You’re keeping me here for a little while holding death at bay
Perhaps remaining to encourage others until You take me away
I still look forward to coming Home, leaving these bones in a grave
For what my eyes have not seen, my heart truly craves

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