Saturday, February 21, 2015

~ 2 Timothy 3:16 ~ 2 Timothy 3:17 ~

~ 2 Timothy 3:16 ~

2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture [the Holy Scripture] is given by inspiration [Divine influence] of God [by God], and is profitable for doctrine [teachings/precepts], for reproof [conviction/testing or proving], for correction [restoration to a right state/character improvement], for instruction [cultivation of the mind and morals] in righteousness [condition acceptable to God].”

The Holy Scriptures in its entirety is Divinely influenced (breathed out) by the Living God of Creation for our benefit. They teach, convict, improve and restore our character helping our minds to be upright and acceptable to God.

~ 2 Timothy 3:17 ~

2 Timothy 3:17 “That [in order that] the man [male and female] of God [Godhead*] may be perfect [fitted/complete], throughly furnished [to finish/render the days complete] unto [with regard to] all good works [acts/deeds/things done].”

In order for the man or woman belonging to the Triune God to be fitted to finish all done for Him.

*Godhead: God the Father, the first person of the trinity; Christ, the second person of the trinity; and Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity

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