Saturday, December 1, 2012

Poem From My Pen: "Where Are You Going?"

Copyright 12.01.2012 © Cynthia S. Groff

Brain - what corrupt thinking
Far distant from righteous ways
The prince of lies has trapped you
Leaving you in a pitiful daze

Eyes - placed in your head
What are you seeking in this world
Waxing and waning in faith
God’s judgment will be unfurled

Tongue - given you to speak
Wags with words lacking of wisdom
Curdled with ignorance
Not fit for your Creator’s kingdom

Heart - beating within your chest
Put there to sustain your life
Each set of beats keeping time
While you heap on continuous strife

Hands – designed to give and take
For what are you grasping
Things that perish with time
Corruptible and never lasting

Feet - given you to walk
Where are you trodding
Wandering away from God
Giving in to Satan’s prodding

Shoulders - burdened with sin
They were not meant to remain
Jesus Christ suffered and died
Debt paid in full to remove the stain

Soul - God loves you so
Sin can’t hold you without permission
God gave you the heart and mind
You’ve a free will to make the decision

Knees - created to bend
Fall down on them and pray
Repent and receive forgiveness
Urgently without delay

You – decide where you will go
Soon comes death’s bell
One of two places you choose
Living in Heaven or dying in Hell

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