Thursday, October 13, 2016

John 1:14

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.”

Verse Expounded:

And the Word - Logos (preexistent), God Himself, Emmanuel (God with us), Son of the Highest, Son of God – God the Son, Christ the Lord, JESUS

was made flesh - incarnated/incarnation, assumed human nature, identified Himself with the race of man having a human soul and human spirit,

and dwelt - literally “tabernacled, pitched His tent,” among us having a dwelling among us-His people

among us – His people,

and we – Peter, James, and John

beheld his glory - beheld Jesus’ transfiguration, Jesus as the Shekinah glory, His Divine glory,

the glory as of the only begotten of the Father - Jesus’ deity, the Son of God’s very real glory,

full - refers to “Word made flesh”

of grace - favors, gifts, acts of beneficence

and truth - Jesus Himself is Truth and represents things just as they are.”

Verse Commentary:
The Everlasting and Eternal One, the Son of God, clothed Himself in flesh, taking on human nature consisting of both a true body and a true soul, becoming both God and man (100% God and 100% man at the same time). He walked and lived among His creations (people) and was real to touch, see, and hear. He allowed Peter, James, and John to witness the manifestation of His majesty when His appearance was changed into a glorified form before their eyes being clothed in raiment whiter that white and brilliantly glowing with Moses and Elijah in His presence. They beheld the only begotten Son of God, the Lord and King over all things (the world included) in His glorified state; He, the One Who is brimming with grace and truth (John 1:17); and the very substance of grace and truth.

Profound Statement:

“There was (or will be) no generation like that in which he lived, until the generation in which the King Messiah comes, which shall “behold the glory” of the holy, blessed God, as he.” (Author unavailable)

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