Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Preparing Spiritually for the Metaphors

The seven metaphors are currently being studied and prepared to share.

Before continuing, please prepare your heart and set your mind on the spiritual, not materialistic, aspects of Jesus’ metaphors. We humans can easily focus on that which we can see and touch and be sidelined causing us to miss the spiritual application. Satan would love nothing more than for us to totally miss, misunderstand, or be confused. There are so many distractions thrown at us each and every day to distract and take our minds off of God, the living God, the God of Creation.

Jesus, the Son of God, God the Son, came to earth and became 100% man while remaining 100% God to make a way for all of us to be ready and fit for Heaven. His message is that He loves us and wants us to be with Him forever and He lays it all out within the pages of Scripture for us since He is not physically present with us at this time. I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to be present during His earthly ministry and to hear Him teach. That was not God’s plan and here I am this day and time. Yet, I yearn to hear His voice and to see His face!

The last post was about the “I AM” statement Jesus quoted prior to each of the seven metaphors (allegories). Jesus is absolutely a people person and was very much so when He walked this earth. He used metaphors so that people could grasp what He was teaching them. For our understanding, He used an earthly story to reveal the heavenly meaning. These were not for only those who heard His voice when He spoke them. They have been preserved for us until this very day.

Again, let’s prepare our hearts to seek the spiritual aspect of Jesus’ teachings and apply it to our lives in order to grow spiritually, gain wisdom and understanding, to live for Christ, and to prepare our spirits for life eternal with the Living God.

Coming next: The Bread of Life

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