Monday, September 17, 2012

Poem From My Pen: Why Kick Against the Pricks?

Why Kick Against the Pricks?
Copyright June 21, 2012 © Cynthia S. Groff


Oh my heart so heavy
I cannot understand,
Why one would so rigidly refuse
He Who sculpted us with His hands.

The voice of rebellion
Oh how loudly it does bark,
Refusing to see the light
Rather dwelling in the dark.

Not even the slightest softness
Or heart allowed a listen,
To hear the truth the Jesus’ blood
Will wash away their sin.

Shut up inside the heart
Ground stood defiantly firm,
Built up a wall of stone
No truth desired to learn.

The Spirit continues His work
Softly bidding those to Christ,
Who shed His blood on Calvary
Providing eternal life.

Christ refused and shirked
Mocking, running and denying,
Refusing His gift complete
One day will bring the crying.

Eyes blind and heart cold
Soul dying deep inside,
Love pleading for dear life
Yet in sin they still abide.

The battle one will lose
Conviction repelled so well,
Realizing not beyond deaths’ door
Torments wait inside of Hell.

Surely tears fill God’s Eyes
As one is lost eternal,
If that one had only believed
Would not have entered the inferno.

Ever dying no relief
Eyes opened up in hell,
Gnashing teeth upon the flesh
There eternally to dwell.

If only that one could go back
To hold softer to the pew,
Only to let go and accept
The God they never knew.

Is not the soul so weary,
And the heart so deathly sick?
Forgiveness, joy, and heaven awaits
Why kick against the pricks?

From a heart burdened for those who deny Christ.
June 21, 2012

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