Monday, September 17, 2012

Poem From My Pen: Why Kick Against the Pricks?

Why Kick Against the Pricks?
Copyright June 21, 2012 © Cynthia S. Groff


Oh my heart so heavy
I cannot understand,
Why one would so rigidly refuse
He Who sculpted us with His hands.

The voice of rebellion
Oh how loudly it does bark,
Refusing to see the light
Rather dwelling in the dark.

Not even the slightest softness
Or heart allowed a listen,
To hear the truth the Jesus’ blood
Will wash away their sin.

Shut up inside the heart
Ground stood defiantly firm,
Built up a wall of stone
No truth desired to learn.

The Spirit continues His work
Softly bidding those to Christ,
Who shed His blood on Calvary
Providing eternal life.

Christ refused and shirked
Mocking, running and denying,
Refusing His gift complete
One day will bring the crying.

Eyes blind and heart cold
Soul dying deep inside,
Love pleading for dear life
Yet in sin they still abide.

The battle one will lose
Conviction repelled so well,
Realizing not beyond deaths’ door
Torments wait inside of Hell.

Surely tears fill God’s Eyes
As one is lost eternal,
If that one had only believed
Would not have entered the inferno.

Ever dying no relief
Eyes opened up in hell,
Gnashing teeth upon the flesh
There eternally to dwell.

If only that one could go back
To hold softer to the pew,
Only to let go and accept
The God they never knew.

Is not the soul so weary,
And the heart so deathly sick?
Forgiveness, joy, and heaven awaits
Why kick against the pricks?

From a heart burdened for those who deny Christ.
June 21, 2012

Spiritual Birth - How it Occurs - Part 1

John 1:12-13 ~
(12) "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become to sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: (13) which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
Jesus Christ welcomes anyone who will accept Him as their Personal Saviour. Every person who comes to an age of understanding and is capable of making that decision, by his/her own free will, has the "power" to believe that Christ is the Son of God. When we accept Him as the Lord of our life we receive a "new life" from God. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are changed from the inside out. Our sinful attitudes, desires, and motives are replaced with new attitudes, desires, and motives - good ones.
When we are born (water birth) we have entered into a physical family - that of our earthly parents (verse 13). When we are reborn (spiritually - born again) we enter into the family of God as His child (verse 12).
1 John 3:9(2) ~
"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God."
The words "doth not commit sin" and "cannot sin" in this verse tells us that a child of God's (born-again believer) does not make it his/her practice to sin. S/he doesn't become indifferent to Father God's moral law. Every believer will still sin; however, they work for victory to conquer sin and not repeat the same offenses to God.

Why Do We Need Christ? - Because, We are Born Unto Trouble!

Job 5:7 "Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward."
All who are born have a natural tendency toward sin. This is the result of the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden. Satan lied to Eve and she (no pun intended) bit into it hook, line, and sinker. He told her they would be as gods knowing good and evil. They did, and all descendants, that includes you and me, have an Adamic nature - that nature to sin.
The Bible teaches that all men are sinners. No exclusions.
For those who follow God and have believed on Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour, the ability and desire to resist sin is available. That does not mean that followers of Christ do not sin, but our free will can be controlled to honor God.
Man is born unto trouble and God has made the way for man to resist entering into trouble.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Christianity - Do You Understand What it Is?

Luke 24:16 "But their eyes were holden that they should not know him."

The Sunday morning after the crucifixion of Christ two disciples are walking the road to Emmaus. Bewildered? They are joined by a man who walks with them. He isn't bewildered. He knew exactly who they were. They did not recognize this man at all. Those two wondered about many things regarding the Messiah. I wonder if they stopped every now in then to face each other with their hands out, palms up, in disbelief over what had just happened and the events of that morning.

The man walking with them began teaching them as they walked along as to open their eyes to understanding. He was a great teacher. He knew so very much and taught them from the beginning of the Scripture.

Luke 24:31 "And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight."

He who walked with them was the Christ Himself who had walked out of the borrowed tomb earlier.  He expounded the Scriptures to them building up their faith. He taught them what Christianity was. He affirmed to them what Christianity was. Jesus Christ lived a life spotless, died a sacrificial death, and rose from the dead. Without that process, there would be no Christianity. It is about Christ and man.

Now the perplexed thinking had dissipated and their eyes were now opened and they desired His presence again.

Luke 24:32 "And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"

"Christianity is a relationship between God and man, based on the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ." Elmer L. Townes - Concise Bible Doctrines