Monday, July 8, 2013

Is Your Veil Rent?

Prior to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for sin to be "forgiven" it was required that sacrifices be presented. God designed a temple to be constructed where chosen men (priests) could enter in and present sacrifices on behalf of the people (Old Testament Law). God gave the blueprints and instructions for every item inside and outside of the temple and these were crafted by the artisans who He had given the ability to do so. There, also, was a veil that separated the Holy of Holy's where only one man was allowed (priests appointed by God) from the rest of the temple. It was said to be as thick as a mans' hand (I don't picture a frail hand either). It too was woven by the most talented artisan weavers. It was one solid piece from top to bottom, side to side, through and through. It could not have been cut with the sharpest of instrument with a single swipe. Yet, when Jesus' time had come, when He had been tortured for us, when He had climbed the Via Dolorosa, and gave His life for us all, that veil was "rent in twain." Top to bottom, in one single rip after Jesus said: "It is finished." He "temporarily died" (my words for I believe my Jesus lives).

Such is sin. Sin is a thick and filthy veil that separates unforgiven sinners from the Most Holy One - God - YHWH - the "unspeakable name," the "Name." Until we come and ask for our "veil to be rent in twain," it will remain the separator between the unrepentant unbeliever and the Forgiver.

From the moment of conception we are separated spiritually from the God of Heaven. This is the result of our greatest grandfather and grandmother, Adam and Eve, being beguiled (lied to) by the Chief Liar - Satan. God did not design or wish man to be separated from Him. He wants very close communion with each one of us. Yes, He loves every person ever conceived. Yes, He deplores sin - every sin and does not tolerate sin of any nature. Yes, He will punish when judgment comes - some at the Great White Throne, some at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Yes, He has made provision for each and every one of us to be forgiven of every sin past, present, and future. Yes, He wants to be close to us - closer than the closest person to us. Closer than our mate. Closer than our children. Closer than anyone else. Yes! He wants our personal veil to be ripped and torn apart!

When Christ Jesus gave up the ghost after hanging on the cruelest Roman cross standing on Golgotha's Hill for three hours, the veil in the temple was "rent in twain." [Matthew 27:50-51 "Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;"] The Old Law became void. The New Law is now in effect. Jesus Christ became the sacrifice for us. He suffered unimaginable torture at the hands of those who carried out instructions to crucify Him (at the people's request). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bore the sin of the entire human race. He did for all that had been or would ever be born.

The only separation from an individual and The God of Heaven now, is unbelief and sin - the individual's own life-woven veil.

I am so thankful to YHWH that He allowed me to know the truth. I am so thankful that I did not deny Jesus Christ who died for me on that hill. Jesus Christ died for me. He suffered and paid my sin debt so that I could be restored to the God Who created me. I humbled myself in June of 1976 and asked forgiveness for the sins that were separating me from Him. I repented sincerely, believed on Jesus Christ God's Only Son, and asked Him to be my Saviour. He did not turn me away. Instead - He personally took my veil of sin and rent it in twain and now welcomes me into His presence daily. No more separation from my Creator!

Salvation is simple though many make it difficult. Believe on Jesus Christ, repent and ask forgiveness for those sins that have separated from God, ask Him to be Lord of your life. Then learn of Him and obey His Word. Sin may still weave ill in our lives on a daily basis; however, He will always hear your prayer and forgive you when you belong to Him as a Believer - Born Again!

Note: Did you notice in Matthew 27: 51 that even the rocks rent? If God can "rent rocks" so much more can He forgive sin!

Has your veil been rent in twain?