Friday, May 25, 2012

Planted Feet!

Today I will change course a little...for this posting.

Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

Faith the size of a mustard seed can also keep your "feet" planted where they should to be planted! That place should be on the Word of God, trusting Him, living for Him and not "man."

God literally breathed out (inspired), every single word of the Holy Scriptures (the books that are in total agreement with each other), through the Holy Spirit and into the minds of the men HE chose to pen each words. Those words still "live" today...over 2000 years preserved by God Himself!

Plant yourself in a good spot with the Word of God, the Holy Bible, in your hands and soak every word in. God authored this one-of-a-kind and only-of-its kind book to "communicate" with us (yes, you and me) exactly how He wants us to live. He communicates to us what we are to do and how we can survive spiritually.

Plant every word on your heart. Our hearts are filthy and we need those pure "seeds" of His truth to grow and thrive within our minds and hearts...what a perfect garden! Our dirty hearts can grow a mighty tree of faith within us by replacing what is negative in our life (bent toward the world) with the positive pure words of God (standing up and stretching upward for the "Light!").

Plant your husband or wife next to you and read the Scriptures together. Your faith will grow and bind you closer as one, and one in the Lord.

Plant your children there with you as you read out loud those precious instructions to live by. Plant the truth of God in their hearts so that when they grow up they will not depart from God.

Plant yourself steadfast against this mean, ugly, sinful world that is trying to eliminate the very One that loves them and are growingly persecuting those of us who love the God of the Universe. (By the way: Man who thinks he can rid God, Jesus Christ God's Son, and the Holy Spirit from this world...they are sadly mistaken! God owns this earth that we live on...He created it, all that is in and on it, and everything beyond the endless space we can gaze at at night.)

Plant those seeds of faith and nurture them. Keep your heart field as clean as possible, removing the "weeds" (sin) that spring up. Repent daily of those sins you know slip up on you and make you "slip" down. Repent of the sins you are not even aware you have committed! Ask God's forgiveness and ask the Lord to uproot those sins from your heart field and clean your garden up each day.

Plant yourself in the presence of others who also want to learn and fellowship with God. Build Christian friendships and love them.

Plant yourself on your knees and pray! Pray for those you love and for those who are called your "enemies". God loves them also. We need to love them in a godly manner and pray for their eyes to have the scales of spiritual blindness removed and their hearts of stone broken so that the Holy Spirit can work in their hearts bringing them to see the true "Light of the World"...Jesus Christ! And, His saving grace.

Seeds of change are blowing in this corrupt world...we need to sow seeds of faithfulness to God the Father and stand against the storms that are blowin' around us.

Our roots (faith) need to be planted firmly that we may survive spiritually.

Man may hurt us with words. He may hurt our body. But, man can never destroy a strong faith grown by digging in and "Planting That Mustard Seed!"

God Bless You All!