Friday, March 23, 2012

Study: Matthew 13:31-32 "The Parable of the Mustard Seed"

Matthew 13: (31) “Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: (32) Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.”

This parable represents the church’s growth. Jesus uses the mustard seed as an example of that growth. The mustard seed is tiny, must be planted, germinates, grows slowly in the beginning, and in the proper climate it grows into a substantial tree that birds nest in its strong protective branches. So, likewise, the church may have begun small; however, it will spread out continually and become proverbially greater than man’s mind can comprehend.

“God’s kingdom has small beginnings; however, will grow and produce great results” (Tyndale KJV Life Application Study Bible). Matthew Henry says: “This parable is to show the beginnings of the gospel would be small, but its latter end would greatly increase; in this way the work of grace in the heart, the kingdom of God within us, would be carried on.  In the soul where grace truly is, it will grow really; though perhaps at first not to be discerned, it will at last come to great strength and usefulness.” John Wesley stated: “So will the Christian doctrine spread in the world, and the life of Christ in the soul.”

I pray I’ve not ventured ‘out on a limb’; but, I asked the Holy Spirit to help me deliver the parallels that were triggered in my mind. I hope you may ‘grow’ from these illustrations:

The Mustard Seed Became a Substantial Tree: A man took a tiny mustard seed sowed it in his field; the seed died in the soil, germinated, sprouted, and a tender plant emerged from the soil growing slowly. In the proper climate with the man tending to it the seedling grew into a mighty tree of great strength and usefulness and birds flocked to it for shelter in its strong branches.

The Church Becoming a Mighty Kingdom: Men took Jesus the Christ and sowed Him to a cross with nails. He died, was buried, defeated death, and the third day rose from the dead and emerged from His tomb, which remains empty. For forty days He appeared to many people before ascending back to Heaven. In an upper room the remaining eleven Apostles and disciples were gathered where the New Testament Church began growing and spreading out its branches. With proper climate and nourishment from God’s Word and presence of the Holy Spirit, the New Testament church began and is growing into a strong and mighty kingdom to which sinners flock for shelter in its strong branches.

A Sinner Becomes a Substantial Christian: A sinner carries sin seeds plowing a road to Hell. He/she learns that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died in their stead and provided payment for their sins. He/she truly repents, asks forgiveness, and by faith accepts Jesus as his/her personal Saviour. Jesus buries his/her sins in the soil of forgiveness. A newborn Christian emerges and slowly starts growing. By being planted in the proper climate and being nourished from God’s Word and Doctrines, he/she experiences spiritual growth becoming a substantial Christian of strength and usefulness to God.

The Gospel will continue spreading to the uttermost parts of the earth and souls will grow in grace. “That grace which leads the soul to the fullness of glory may begin, and often does, in a single good desire - a wish to escape hell, or a desire to enjoy God in heaven” (Clarke).

God began His kingdom small in size. It grew slowly in the beginning, as the mustard seed does, and His kingdom is growing as men do not expect it to grow and He will show His might and power more than any man could ever expect!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Poem: "A Faith Like That" Copyright (c) September 8, 2008 Cynthia S Groff

In the next post I will expound on our first 'Mustard Seed' verse. I have more studying to do! 

This morning, I wanted to share a poem with you that I began in December 2007 and completed in September 2008. It took me a little too long didn't it? However, let me tell you a little about the background of this poem. 

Prior to being diagnosed with terminal breast cancer, I was reading of the woman with the issue of blood and thinking about how diligently this woman sought out the Lord for healing. How desperate she was.  Yet, how much faith she had and belief that Jesus was the One person she knew in her heart that could bring about a miracle in her body! Little did I know that the Lord had already begun to allow a test to be revealed to teach me just what kind of faith I have. He was allowing cancer to be the vehicle to test my faith through the tribulation of the battle. Her battle literally drove her to her knees...not just on her knees, but crawling on her knees through dusty dirt and between peoples trampling feet. She pressed on through the press who were surrounding Jesus...the only One that could heal her.

My thought that night when reading my Bible was: "O, if I could only have a faith like that"! Well, I'm trying! I do want to be a woman who will be on my knees crawling diligently and fervently against the press of troubles in prayer to reach Heaven where Jesus is now. O to touch the hem of His garment for others (and for myself)! 

A Faith Like That
Copyright  © September 8, 2008 Cynthia S Groff
(Began December 28, 2007 – Completed September 8, 2008)

There was a woman with an issue of blood sick for many years
Spent all she had to be cured and hardly nothing left but tears

That “hardly nothing” left was a faith inside her heart
She knew she had nothing to lose so from home she did depart

Her destination decided she gathered all her might
To walk the many miles to find Him in her sight

Many were gathered around the One who she knew she needed
Absolutely determined in her heart not to be defeated

She reached the crowd and begged to be let through
Now her faith unbridled this she had to do

The press was great upon the Man whom she had come to see
If there was anyone who could cure her surely it was He

She knelt upon the ground dust swirled around her face
Crawled upon her hands and knees struggled to keep her pace

Determined she would not give up and displayed no hesitation
To reach the One-and-Only was her ultimate destination

Desperate to reach Him using all her might she tried
Just a few more feet and she would be along His side

Her arm outstretched she forged on refusing to be grim
She felt her fingers slightly touch His garment on the hem

“Who touched me?” He asked as the crowd became silent all around
As the One-and-Only looked and saw the woman on the ground

She looked up into His face and said that it was she
He held out His hand and helped her up and off her knees

Rabbi it was I, I knew you were the One
And since I touched your garments’ hem I know it has been done

The issue of blood I’ve had for many years has finally been relieved
In You the One-and-Only I so faithfully believed

“I knew you were on your way”, He said, “So I slowed down you see,
“It was your faith in action that has now set you free”

Believing this woman He did heal, I desire in my heart and mind
That I would have what that lady had, a Faith like that same kind

Inspired by:
A woman with great faith!